
How Victim Mentality Is Ruining Your Bank Account

Victim mentality perpetuates more and more lack that we all don’t want. But how exactly can this prevent your bank account from growing too? Watch this video as Shamina shares how the victim mentality is ruining your bank account and how when you uncover that you’re the problem, you are also the #1 solution to the victim mentality running your life.

When you flip anything around to take accountability and responsibility on your own terms, you’ll find that you become the solution to every issue in your world.

This reinforces change and brings you into better alignment when you internalize how to navigate all your issues instead of pointing fingers and blaming the outside world and people in your sphere.

Understanding that blaming the external is just a mechanism to protect yourself can be a major turning point in how you navigate problems in your world. And this video will help with just that!

victimmentality #thevictimentality # thevictimmindset #thevictimmentalityisruiningyourbankaccount #breakingthevictimmentality

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How to Outsmart A Narcissist

In this collaboration, Shamina welcomes guest Rebecca Zung to highlight ways to deal and outsmart a narcissist.

Rebecca shares loads of insight to her work from being a divorce attorney which lead to the most interesting and significant discoveries around narcissism which unlocked an entire new world for her – helping her clients overcome ways to win negotiations with a narcissist.

She shares that outsmarting and dealing with a narcissist requires tactics and strategies that require to to put any thoughts of winning and ego aside, alongside many other tips on how to outsmart dealing with a narcissist.

#howtodealwithtoxicpeople #narcissisticsupply #narcissiticabuse #outsmartanarcissist #dealwithanarcissist #dealingwithanarcissist #narcissist #narcissism

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00:00 – Intro
01:54 – How Shamina met Rebecca
03:04 – How Rebecca became a narcissist expert
08:07 – Narcissistic supply
12:12 – How to outsmart a narcissist
17:32 – What to look out for when negotiating with a narcissist
23:28 – How trauma bonds come into play
27:44 – Rebecca’s model and system to helping others

If You Want To Be Wealthy, You Have To Cut Out Toxic People

In this video, Shamina shares her insight on the mindset shift and motivation you need to end that toxic relationship right now.

Shamina dives into toxic relationships and how it becomes difficult to end them because of the different attachment styles and fears that we start creating around ending relationships that do not serve us.

The mindset that we have around ending these relationships is typically that of someone who doesn’t think they’re capable of doing things on their own – but it’s so crucial to understand that even this is the result of having been in a toxic pattern or a toxic relationship with someone in your life.

The motivation you need to go through with it seems to not be there and the discomfort will continue to grow the longer you stay.

So watch this video right now if you need to better understand the mindset shift required and the motivation you need to finally put an end toxic relationships that do not serve you right now.

#endtoxictrelationships #toxicrelationships #mindsetshift #motivation #endthattoxicrelationship #emotionalmastery #toxicpeople #toxicpatterns

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00:00 – Intro
00:45 – Toxic Relationships: The #1 Excuse Stopping You From Ending It
02:08 – Toxic Relationships: It Could Be Anyone
04:32 – Toxic Relationships: Time To Access
07:48 – Toxic Relationships: Time Does Not Measure The Quality Of The Relationship
11:30 – Toxic Relationships: Create A List To Help You Become Unstuck

Trauma Healing Work Makes You Look Younger! (Unlock The Key To Aging Backward by Hacking Your DNA)

Shamina always has people coming up to her asking for her skincare routine, and they want to know all her secrets as to how she looks as youthful as she does at the age 51!

Well, in this video Shamina shares how the key to aging backwards is actually through trauma healing work. Your cells start renewing and you’re oscillating on a higher frequency – letting go of all the stuck emotions and trauma.

And this is what allows the cellular effect of aging backwards to start taking place – when you start doing the trauma and healing work that comes with it.

agingbackwards #traumahealing #thekeytoagingbackwardsthroughtraumahealingwork #healingtrauma #reverseaging #thekeytoagingbacward #emotionalmastery #traumahealingwork #quantumleap

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Why Hustle Culture Does The Opposite of Success

If you’re reaching burnout and looking for an easier way, watch this video as Shamina explains why hustle culture actually does the opposite of success.

If hard work and hustle worked we would all be rich and millionaires by now. But this only further proves that hustle culture is not the recipe to creating success and extraordinary wealth.

Sure, the hustle can help us achieve so much, but it would require total blood sweat and tears and to constantly operate in a way that is not realistic and will cause further burnout.

There is an easier way to navigate this and it’s by doing the opposite of hustle. No we’re not telling you to just sit and do nothing but hustle culture does not stress the importance of nurturing yourself and your well-being.

Shamina explores some methods and nuances on how you can lean into ease while still being able to reach extraordinary cash milestones in your business so lean in as she explains why hustle culture does the opposite of success in our worlds!

#hustleculture #whyhustleculturedoestheoppositeofsuccess #hustleculturetoxicity #toxichustle #successfulbusiness #burnoutinbusiness #hustle #oppositeofsuccess #success #hustlewithease

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What It Means To Have Clarity On Your Vision And Go All In (NO PLAN B)

In this video, Shamina shares the importance around what it means to have clarity on your visions and goals and to go all in without a plan b!

When you have clarity on your visions there’s no need for a PLAN B because you’re in full alignment with what you want to create in the world. But this does not come with staying in your comfort zone – you have to do the thing that scares you without having one foot in and one foot out.

You have to uncover what’s anchoring you from that clarity to go all in on what you desire and when you set your heart and mind to fulfilling your mission with NO PLAN B every bump in the road will not be seen as a failure but more information to help you get closer to your goals and desires.

haveclarity #yourvision #goallin #noplanb #haveclarityonyourvision #whatitmeanstohaveclarity #createyourreality #buildyourdreamlife #quantumleap #moneymindset #emotionalmastery #womanempowerment

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