
What It Means To Have Clarity On Your Vision And Go All In (NO PLAN B)

In this video, Shamina shares the importance around what it means to have clarity on your visions and goals and to go all in without a plan b!

When you have clarity on your visions there’s no need for a PLAN B because you’re in full alignment with what you want to create in the world. But this does not come with staying in your comfort zone – you have to do the thing that scares you without having one foot in and one foot out.

You have to uncover what’s anchoring you from that clarity to go all in on what you desire and when you set your heart and mind to fulfilling your mission with NO PLAN B every bump in the road will not be seen as a failure but more information to help you get closer to your goals and desires.

haveclarity #yourvision #goallin #noplanb #haveclarityonyourvision #whatitmeanstohaveclarity #createyourreality #buildyourdreamlife #quantumleap #moneymindset #emotionalmastery #womanempowerment

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The Millionaire Mindset Move You Need To Make NOW (And Get More Money FAST)

In this webinar class replay, Shamina shares the millionaire mindset move you need to make now if you desire to get more money into your life and business fast.

Shamina shares the mindset moves we’re currently not doing and how this stops us from thinking about money in a quantifiable way instead of linearly and incrementally.

The moment you shift into your millionaire mindset, you’ll start thinking and believing something totally different and new.

And once you do this, you open yourself up to making more money faster than you ever thought possible.

So watch this webinar replay as Shamina takes you through where it our money mindset really started and how the millionaire mindset move will accelerate the wealth you’ll start attracting into your world.

themillionairemindset #getmoremoney #themillionairemindsetmove #quantumleap #makemoneyfaster #mindsetmoves #moneymindset #moneymastery #emotionalmastery

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STORY TIME: It’s Easier to Make a Million Than Reach Six Figures

In this video, Shamina shares a little story time edition on how it’s so much easier to make a million than reach six figures. She goes into explaining the value of what a great offer can do – in this case, help you make a million faster and so much easier.

We have an upcoming 3-day class from March 18th – March 20th where she shows you what it means to have a wealth upgrade!

Where she shows you her technique of how easier it is to make a million than reach six figures. Shamina experiences six figure days! And the structure behind this is how it becomes far easier to make a million than reach six figures.

storytime #makeamillion #sixfigures #abundance #easiertomakeamillion

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00:00 – Intro
01:33 – Make A Million: Starting from Zero
06:15 – Make A Million: Finding An Easier Way
10:23 – Make A Million: Invest Back Into Your Business
14:05 – Make A Million: Don’t Over Deliver
16:11 – Make A Million: Why Alignment Is So Important

I Was Interviewed By My Billionaire Friend, Elena Cardone (And It Was Real, Raw and Relatable!)

My friend Elena Cardone invited Shamina Taylor into her studio for a great talk about trauma, betrayal, divorce healing, money, success and so much more.

You will love this talk as Elena took me into topics like what it means to be a woman in abundance, how to overcome turning points and let them be your source of power in life, and how to start acquiring wealth and success after heartbreak, divorce, and trauma. I also shared a little about what it means to have sister-wounds and to be in your wounded masculine energy as a high-performing woman.

You can also find many other videos on my channel taking you through the understanding of what it means to be in your feminine from a powerful place!

shaminataylor #womanleader #realrawrelatable #interviewedbymybillionairefriend #thequantumwoman

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Wealth Consciousness And Raising Conscious Children

Raising wealth-conscious kids and how to master emotional intelligence. pouring emotional mastery and wealth consciousness back into my kids was the biggest joy anyone could ever experience.

We all wish to change the narrative by creating more presence around conscious parenting and what it means to raise conscious kids. Although it can be hard at times, it’s all worth it in the end to see the magnitude of knowledge they start embodying.

They start having the most profound shifts in their friendships and they navigate life completely differently and in full awareness.

Raising conscious kids is the most rewarding feeling – you’re changing the pattern and raising more emotionally intelligent humans.

raising #wealthconsciousness #raisingconscious children for it?

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How To Best Market Your Messaging To Ideal Clients

In this video, Shamina takes you through the process of how to best market your messaging to your ideal clients. She also covers some key aspects to know about how your messaging to ideal clients will change as you elevate along your entrepreneurial journey.

This is a great how-to video if you need help with who your ideal client is as well. Because as you evolve, so does your ideal client. The best strategy to market to your ideal client is to use some of your story and your previous client results to state your authority.

While there are many ways to market your messaging, making sure you’re in alignment in your marketing strategies AND having clarity around who your ideal clients are will help this become such an enjoyable and easy process for yourself and your business.

#howtobestmarketyourmessaging #messagingyouridealclient #idealclients #marketyourmessage #marketyourmessaging #howtoknowyourclients

00:00 – Intro
00:43 – What is The Message and Why It’s so Important
01:10 – You Are The Blueprint For Your Life and Business (this affects your messaging)
02:25 – What Would You Love to Talk About All Day Long
03:36 – Get Back to Your Why
05:18 – Aks Your Audience For Clarity
07:01 – Look At Your Client Results