
I Was Interviewed By My Billionaire Friend, Elena Cardone (And It Was Real, Raw and Relatable!)

My friend Elena Cardone invited Shamina Taylor into her studio for a great talk about trauma, betrayal, divorce healing, money, success and so much more.

You will love this talk as Elena took me into topics like what it means to be a woman in abundance, how to overcome turning points and let them be your source of power in life, and how to start acquiring wealth and success after heartbreak, divorce, and trauma. I also shared a little about what it means to have sister-wounds and to be in your wounded masculine energy as a high-performing woman.

You can also find many other videos on my channel taking you through the understanding of what it means to be in your feminine from a powerful place!

shaminataylor #womanleader #realrawrelatable #interviewedbymybillionairefriend #thequantumwoman

Where are you on Your Quantum Woman Journey? Take Our Quiz: https://www.shaminataylor.com/quantum-woman-quiz/#gf_6

Download my FREE Wealth Meditation here:

Find The Quantum Woman™ Podcast here:

Head over to The Quantum Woman™ Facebook group to join our community of amazing women like you:

Shop The Quantum Woman® Store: https://quantumwomanshop.com

Find Shamina everywhere else:
Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/shaminataylor/
Twitter // https://twitter.com/shaminat
Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/shaminataylor
Amazon Storefront:// https://www.amazon.com/shop/shaminataylor

How Receiving Compliments Can Make You 100K A MONTH!!

In this video, Shamina dives into what it means to start accepting compliments and how something so small can unlock and entire world for you and unlock more wealth into world, potentially even 100K a month! A lot of us hear about receiving but MANY can’t even receive a compliment, so how can we start receiving the bigger things when we don’t know to receive something as small as this?

So Shamina dives into what that means to start accepting more into your world and how can you start taking the steps to understand why you’re blocked off from knowing how to master the art of receiving if you can’t even start with a compliment.

Shamina takes you through some of her personal life experiences on how she never really allowed herself to receive the help and support in her life, and how this is the exact same thing for many high-performing women out there.

Whether we want to believe it or not, receiving really affects the way we operate our businesses too.

Once you start doing this on a small scale more frequently, before you know it you’re open to receiving all the bigger things you want to start creating. So watch this video to uncover exactly how to master the art of receiving.

accepting #acceptingcompliments #compliments #acceptacompliment #theartofreceiving #receivingmore #receivingmode #receivingmoremoney

Where are you on Your Quantum Woman Journey? Take Our Quiz: https://www.shaminataylor.com/quantum-woman-quiz/#gf_6

Download my FREE Wealth Meditation here:

Find The Quantum Woman™ Podcast here:

Head over to The Quantum Woman™ Facebook group to join our community of amazing women like you:

Shop The Quantum Woman® Store: https://quantumwomanshop.com

Find Shamina everywhere else:
Instagram // https://www.instagram.com/shaminataylor/
Twitter // https://twitter.com/shaminat
Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/shaminataylor
Amazon Storefront:// https://www.amazon.com/shop/shaminataylor


00:00 – INTRO
00:20 – Accepting Compliments: What does it mean
01:12 – Accepting Compliments: How to overcome feelings of “weakness
03:29 – Accepting Compliments: How receiving affects your masculine and feminine mode
04:24 – Accepting Compliments: How to start allowing yourself to receive
06:38 – Accepting Compliments: Start allowing generosity into your world
08:38 – Accepting Compliments: Mantras to help you access your receiver mode

How to Bend Time and Get Your Desires Faster (And Start QUANTUM LEAPING Right Now)

This video shares an alternative belief about how to bend time and get your desires faster. I hope this video expands your understanding of correct ways on how to bend time and how to remove the limitations that we put on ourselves around time – thinking that we have lots of time and that we can put it off until tomorrow.

When you eliminate the exhaustion around having to keep up with a rigid time frame when going after your desires, you shift into your bending time faster because you’re removing the labels that force you to be time-sensitive and stick to the regiments which then starts helping you collapse time which is equally similar to quantum leaping.

I always used to plan for what’s next and not really be present in the now because I was always caught up in what was going to happen in the future. This removes us from being connected to the quantum field and being in a field of infinite possibilities. People stuck in time are going to have a hard time letting go of this concept but the more you measure what you create within a set time frame, you’re putting a cap on your success and not allowing for the impossible to happen around your desires.

No more using time against yourself to get to your desires because you can bend time by leaving the “how” out of the story and trusting and being in intention with your time right now. It’s time to bend time and get to your desires FASTER so you can start QUANTUM LEAPING TODAY! Let’s go.

#gettoyourdesiresfaster #bendtime #quantumleapingtime #getyourdesiresfaster #howtobendtimeandgetyourdesiresfaster #yourdesires #quantumleaping

00:00 – Intro
01:30 – Feeling like you don’t have enough time
03:15 – The feminine is the presence
06:04 – Some things are not meant to be on a clock
07:29 – Setting yourself up to fail based on timelines
10:38 – Timelines make predetermined room for disappointment

Podcast Ep 68. Lead Your Marketing With Your Expertise

Tune into this episode to learn how to show up as the EXPERT AUTHORITY in your industry.

The Wealth Consciousness Experience IN-PERSON event is happening this June in West Loop, Chicago. Join the waitlist HERE: https://go.shaminataylor.com/optin1710335135473

We want to continue being an ad-free show! Your support really helps us to continue bringing value each week. We’d love for you to leave us a review below! 

Join our FREE Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/thequantumwomen/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF 

Connect with Shamina HERE:
Instagram: @shaminataylor
YouTube: @shaminataylor
Facebook: Shamina Taylor
Purchase my book: Unlocking The Quantum 

Podcast Ep 67. The Wealth Upgrade & Making Money FAST

A wealth upgrade happens when you learn how to leverage your time, leverage your support team and leverage your investments. 

We want to continue being an ad-free show! Your support really helps us to continue bringing value each week. We’d love for you to leave us a review below! 

Join our FREE Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/thequantumwomen/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF 

Connect with Shamina HERE:
Instagram: @shaminataylor
YouTube: @shaminataylor
Facebook: Shamina Taylor
Purchase my book: Unlocking The Quantum 

Podcast Ep 66. The Ebbs & Flows of Business

In this episode, we talk about how to ride out the highs and lows of business. 

We want to continue being an ad-free show! Your support really helps us to continue bringing value each week. We’d love for you to leave us a review below! 

Join our FREE Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/thequantumwomen/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF 

Connect with Shamina HERE:
Instagram: @shaminataylor
YouTube: @shaminataylor
Facebook: Shamina Taylor
Purchase my book: Unlocking The Quantum