
Activate Your Abundance Thinking and Have It All

In this free training video for The Quantum Woman Facebook group, Shamina Taylor goes into the steps to shift from a mindset of LACK to a mindset of ABUNDANCE.

We are powerful enough to attract anything and everything to us, but only when we stop focusing on what we don’t have or could potentially lose. When you release your scarcity mindset and trust that all that you need and desire WILL come to you, you will truly be able to have it all.

Learn to celebrate, share, and embrace true joy and success with this live training session. Watch the full video on YouTube.

Activate Your Receiving Mode: Out of Your Masculine and Into Your Feminine

When you hear “masculine and feminine energy”, you may start by thinking, “I’m a woman, so I definitely must embody feminine energy, right?” No! So many dominant, successful, powerful women are living primarily in their masculine energy, but our FEMININE energy is our SUPERPOWER!

Shamina Taylor breaks down the meaning of both masculine and feminine energy, and how you can step into your feminine to activate your receiving mode. Once you can grasp this, you can manifest ANYTHING. You can have it ALL!

Watch the full video on YouTube!

How Do We Deal with Toxic People in Our Lives?

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where the people in our life are not serving us anymore, but rather draining our energy and replacing it with theirs.

We care about them, but their negativity and unwillingness to grow start to affect us more than we realize. So, how do we deal with toxic people in our lives? Shamina Taylor talks about how important it is to identify the effects of the presence of people in your life and let go of those who lower your vibration. Protect your energy, and find the people who are in alignment with you.

Click through to watch on YouTube.

The Spiritual Muscle Called Intuition – Make Life Easy

When making a decision you get a feeling right off the bat, but most people don’t follow that feeling as quickly as it appears. We analyze, overthink every detail, and talk ourselves out of our gut feelings to end up at an answer that we oftentimes KNOW deep down is wrong – so much more complicated, right?

This feeling is Intuition, and there are so many studies that prove how important it is in every aspect of our lives. Developing and strengthening this spiritual muscle is essential to build trust in yourself, nourish your confidence, and tap into your inner guidance.

Shamina Taylor shares her tips on how to follow this voice to your TRUE life path and watch how success and abundance are simply attracted to you naturally. Make your life EASY!

How Getting Triggered Emotionally is a Good Thing

By nature, we strive to avoid being emotionally triggered to keep negative emotions out of the forefront of our minds. However, this is exactly the OPPOSITE of what we need to do! Use your triggers as a TOOL to look inside yourself and target your wounded areas.

No more projecting this pain onto those around you. No more hiding away to avoid getting fired up. Shamina Taylor explains how healing your inner wounds, and getting real with yourself is necessary to grow on a deeper level and raise your vibration.

Podcast Ep 56. Stop Putting Yourself On Discount

In this episode, we dive into what it REALLY means when you discount yourself and your services and how it affects your wealth consciousness. 

Grab The Wealth Consciousness Instant Money Expansion Workshop for ONLY $22.22

Grab my program HEAL TO RECEIVE and start allowing the money, the wealth, and the love to flow to you:

Did you hear the news?! I am OFFICIALLY a published author!! ✨Unlocking The Quantum Woman✨ is available to purchase NOW: 



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