
Control Your Emotions: Mastering Responding vs Reacting

In this episode, Shamina drops insight into how to control your emotions and master the art of responding rather than reacting. She also shares how to navigate this in your everyday life because our emotions affect so much more than we realize.

One of the greatest benefits of self-mastery in the world of emotional intelligence is that it allows you to gain clarity on what is important to you, and no longer seek to control the narrative of others but to practice discernment in standing firm in where you are vs where they are or are not in their emotional intelligence. 

Click through to watch the full episode.

Feminine Energy: How to Own Your Feminine Power – And Have The Best Energy In The Room

In this video, Shamina dives into “Feminine Energy”. When you hear ” How to Own Your Feminine Power”, you may start by thinking, “I’m a woman, so I definitely must embody feminine energy, right?” Well, this may be to your surprise but so many dominant, successful, powerful women are living primarily in their masculine energy, but to ” Have The Best Energy In The Room” our FEMININE energy is our really where we start to own our power!

Shamina Taylor breaks down the meaning of both masculine and feminine energy, and how you can step into your feminine to activate your receiving mode, attract men and start making millions in your business. Once you can grasp this, you can manifest ANYTHING. You can have it ALL!

Click through to watch the entire video.

3 Techniques to Manifest Anything YOU Want

What do you want? Money? Love? Success? You can have ANYTHING you want! Yeah, for real. The law of attraction has changed my life in ways I couldn’t have possibly imagined even a year ago, and now I know I have the power to manifest anything. So, today I’ll be sharing 3 manifestation techniques to help YOU create your dream life. Stop holding yourself back from everything you desire! YOU are the only one in your way.

Click through to watch the entire video.

💰Scarcity Mindset vs. Abundance Mindset: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!

How do I get more money? How do I call it in? In this video, I will share what it’s like to have a scarcity mindset compared to having an abundance mindset. You might be doing these things without noticing, so I invite you to grab a piece of paper and start writing this down. Your journey to manifesting wealth STARTS HERE!

Click through to watch the full video.

The Ultimate Tips to Create Wealth Consciousness

Today we’re talking about wealth consciousness, what does it mean, and how we can improve it in our lives so we can get in that vibrational frequency that can make money come our way. Grab a piece of paper, a pen, and let’s get wealth flowing into your life!