
Podcast Ep 26. The Secret To Aging Backward

In this episode, Shamina shares what she believes is the secret to aging backward.
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Podcast Ep 22. How Not Celebrating Creates Income Deficits

In this episode, Shamina shares how celebrating your wins breed more of them and why the celebration of even the small things is so important in the pursuit of business success.

Find Shamina everywhere else:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shaminataylor/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shamina.a.taylor
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@shaminataylor
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shaminataylor

Podcast Ep 16. Receiving: Tapping Into Your Feminine Energy

A lot of high-achieving women have a hard time letting go of control and letting help in. They don’t want to feel like they “owe” anyone anything. But, being in this state hinders a lot of success and fulfillment. In this episode, Shamina shares why it’s so important to do self-development work in order to feel safe in receiving both life and business. 

Find Shamina everywhere else:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shaminataylor/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shamina.a.taylor
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@shaminataylor
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shaminataylor

Delegation Daunting You?

Original Post: Shamina Taylor Facebook

I remember one thing that stuck with me from the one and only UPW Tony Robbins event I attended back in 2016, he said one of the key pillars to success is delegation.

Knowing how to do this can change the success and longevity of your business.

I am here to say he is right.

You knowing what your zone of genius is and knowing when to ask for support and LET PEOPLE support you will change everything.

The women I mentor don’t always have the easiest time finding their dream support team.

They have a hard time trusting the support will always be there. So they are very careful how much they let them help or how much they will let themselves depend on that help for fear it could up and leave.

They are sometimes convinced, good help is hard to find…

I can’t find the right help.

I can’t trust people to help me.

Or why hire help?

When I can do it faster myself.

One issue with highly successful women I mentor is they think they are superwoman and yes in many ways they are.

But they have a hard time letting go and trusting people will be there for them. There is also a lack mindset on spending money on support too (this is for another post).

They end up having:

High team turnovers.

Micromanaging people.

Frustration and resentment because they aren’t supported.

Exhausted from doing WAY too much in their business because it is easier and faster (according to them).

They like things their way.

They like to control everything.

They are perfectionists and people don’t ever do it like them.

For the first year of my business, I did have a hard time letting someone in and letting myself receive support. It was so foreign to me.

I didn’t understand why until I did.

It honestly never felt safe to receive help, even when I was PAYING FOR IT. I had an abandonment wound show up there. And a feminine wound self sacrificing myself all the time and not knowing it was safe to receive help.

Then when I got clear what kind of help I needed, I found my unicorn team member and I remember I subconsciously was always secretly waiting for her to leave. It was still scary!

So I kept paying her more. I didn’t also want to give her too much to do. Every time she would reassure me she loved supporting me and wasn’t going anywhere.

I didn’t know what it felt like to fully be supported because to be honest I had been in my wounded masculine doing bad all by myself everywhere in my life. And as a single mama you are wearing every single hat.

Letting my guard down and letting someone help me was one of the biggest game changers for me growing as a leader and business owner.

I finally felt safe to really be supported and receive help. And it changed how I showed up.

I learned to delegate. Like a boss!

And started hiring more aligned team members.

Then I also knew when to let people go. Because another thing we do is keep misaligned people in our company for way too long because of that need to struggle through things and that abandonment wound (insert familiar toxic cycles we know and endure).

You get to be supported fully.

You get to find your unicorn loyal team members who are there to support you and your mission and vision.

Without support you cannot go very far.

With a team you can do so much.

Don’t limit yourself.

You get to delegate.

You get to be supported.

You have a big impact to make!

This also allows you to enjoy that time and location freedom. Knowing your business is taken care of when you’re gone.

And caveat you don’t need a huge team (because we want a profit driven business too). Find a team who will love your mission as much as you do. Ones who care deeply for the cause.

You Get To Have A “BOTH” Life

Original Post: Shamina Taylor Facebook

You can’t have both.

You have to choose.

It’s one OR the other.

I was having a discussion with someone over the weekend and they said I would rather be wealthy, have experiences in life, and not buy things.


You don’t want both.

That is your prerogative.

Not me. I want ALL of it.

I see posts all the time talking about this.

Where people proclaim, I would rather spend my money enjoying life. Having vacations then things.

It’s like there is a belief if you choose one you cannot have the other. And if you wanted the “things” it would make you a bad person or greedy.

I want BOTH.

I know I can have both, so I want both.

Both are available.

If you believe you can only have one, then yes there is a painful choice to be made.

Whatever we assign meaning to is what we get.

I personally don’t feel we have to choose.

I can have BOTH.

I believe it is both.

Both is expansive, which means there are no limits.

OR mentality = You can’t have both. So you need to choose.

NOW, I know I can have whatever it is I desire.

So I don’t need to choose.

So many are taught at a young age, pick one. You only get one little Susie, don’t be greedy.

And as a child, you want both.

But you are taught very early this isn’t a “both” life.


Because we don’t want them to be entitled or think life can come easy.

*Insert struggle mentality*

It’s to keep them humble so they know in order to be successful they need to work hard REALLY HARD.


The majority of the women who I mentor don’t have the expansiveness of both even though they are the most hardworking women you will ever meet (p.s. handwork doesn’t equally wealthy).

In fact, they limit themselves so much that what they do is NEVER enough.

So they never know how expansive they can be, or life can be. Because they resort back to the OR mentality, not both.

Their mindset is…

Only if I need it, only if it is necessary.

Rarely just because they desire it.

They don’t feel deserving of both.

And I know some will justify when they don’t want both and say….

‘It just doesn’t excite me.’


Or are you just limiting yourself justifying why you are settling for OR.

I am here to tell you….

You can have both if you choose both.


Podcast Ep 12. Messy Action Makes Me Millions

Head over to The Quantum Woman Facebook group to join our community of amazing women like you.
Full Transcript Below

Accessing the Quantum Through Emotional-Self Mastery is an 8-week life-changing experience where you will become the most badass amazing next-level version of yourself by learning how to become the master of your emotions and not it over you. You will learn how to take action toward:
• Mastering your emotions, overhauling your mindset, up-level your life, and accessing the most amazing next-level version of yourself
• Claim your wealth in all aspects of your life
• Step into your power to receive more freely from the Universe 

Find Shamina on: Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube | Twitter

Podcast Episode 12 Transcript

Podcast Episode – Messy Makes Me Millions

[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to another episode of The Quantum Woman. I’m your host, Shamina Taylor. In today’s episode, we’re gonna talk about messy, makes me Millions as Maybe you can see my shirt if you’re watching the YouTube replay. Um, My shirt says, messy action makes me millions. This was one of our prototypes, but the saying is messy makes me millions.

So what does that mean? Messy makes me millions. It kind of came out of a teaching that I was doing one time, and, uh, the truth of the matter is, uh, lot of what, uh, I’ve created and probably most really successful people, is just taking messy action, not knowing exactly what the result is going to. Um, Come about.

A lot of the times people are paralysed, uh, in analysis paralysis where they’re just, you know, hoping that, um, you know, uh, that the answers are gonna come to them. Once they start, you know, [00:01:00] overthinking something, they’re gonna just miraculously, something’s gonna come up. , what I want to really stress to you is that, um, messy makes me millions.

It was, um, Probably like my key secret would not much of a secret to how my success, I used to be a hardcore over-thinker. Hmm. A perfectionist. Hmm. Um, somebody who had to know everything, the how and the when and the why before I moved. Mm-hmm. . And maybe some of you’re like shaking your head like, yeah, yeah, that’s me too.

Um, and you know, Coming from the background that I’ve come, come from, I mean, I’m an attorney and I have three degrees, a business degree, political science degree, and I’m an attorney and I came from a very, you know, logical evidence-based thought process, planned out, very masculine mindset. And when I came into this online space, it was like a whole new world, you know, kind of opened up.

I told you all I was gonna [00:02:00] sing, but it wasn’t gonna be good. And. I don’t know, I would see what other people were doing and I was like, oh, that looked kind of good. And I was like, Uhuh, that don’t look good. And I realized they were just throwing shit at the wall themselves and just trying to figure out what sticks right.

And so I literally, um, started doing the same. I had to always stay in alignment with myself because if I did something I didn’t like, I realized like I would create resistance around it. And I also didn’t have everything figured out. I also realized that what worked for somebody, Didn’t necessarily work for me because they weren’t me.

Right? They were them. And so I had to figure out what worked for me. I had to figure out what I liked, what was my style, what would, what felt good for me. You know, I always tell people I have, you know, a plan, but at the end of the day, take what parts of it that you like and then go execute it. Does it work?

Yeah. That my strategies work, but you also have to realize that you have to be closer to me to get those things done. Um, Not everybody’s equipped to go take action. [00:03:00] A lot of the times we are our own worst enemy. You know, fear will keep us paralyzed. Like, you know, the unknown will keep us paralyzed. And they always say like, the best stuff is outside of the comfort zone.

Right? I remember I read this. this book, uh, feel of fear and, and, and do it anyway. And, uh, I remember how paralyzed in fear I was at the time when I was starting this business. I’m like, you know, I, I really don’t know what I’m doing. And I would say that for the very, for a very long time. And one of my, um, uh, mentors at the time, she looked at me, she’s like, uh, you’ve made a few million dollars.

You know what you’re doing. I. What I didn’t wanna do, I also knew that I would keep trying different things and whatever worked, I’d go hard on that. I would go in on it. And whatever didn’t work, I’d leave it to the wayside. So a lot of the times people don’t take action on their dreams, on their visions, on their messaging, on what they wanna create in the world because they don’t know what the outcome’s gonna look like, and they want like [00:04:00] somebody to say, yeah, that’s totally gonna work.

This is like the hugest impediment impairment barrier, block resistance. Come up with all the words that are telling you why you can’t have the thing that you want. Uh, because people wanna have everything figured out. You’re never gonna have everything figured out. And if you had them fi, you had it figured out and you didn’t take action, guess what?

You should have done that shit a long time ago. All right? The people that have wild, wild, wild success are the people that are willing to risk to take chances and figure it out. And I. There was a point in time where I was paralyzed and then there was a point in time I was just like, um, f it. I’m just gonna try it.

I’m just gonna figure it out and we’ll just see what happens. Uh, gotta say nine times outta 10. Most of the things that I took action on that I didn’t know how I was gonna end up, ended up being bangers. They ended up being like things that were completely extraordinary successful because I just moved, I took action.

You know, some people say throw spaghetti at the wall and figure out what it is. I say, throw some shit up against the wall and figure out what it is because. At the end [00:05:00] of the day, you won’t know what you’re good at until you start doing something. You won’t even know if the things that you talk about are really what you wanna talk about until you start talking about them.

You know, I feel like there is something that, um, you know, You’ve, you’ve gotta start implementing a way of just foregoing the thought process and taking action. Sometimes people take a lot of action and you’re just like, what? What are they doing? But then, What I find is you’ll see people who are just showing up online, you know, or they’re showing up in their space and they’re selling and they’re doing whatever, or, you know, they’re throwing out their, like their, their mix tapes.

So they’re, you know, they’re singing, but they’re doing something. Right, and it might not be going anywhere in the moment, but then like you fast forward five or six months and then are a year or two and you’re like, damn, that worked out for them. You know, you look back at Drake’s mixed tapes, back in the day he was making out his mixed tapes.

He was under Degrassi Junior High. And look at [00:06:00] homeboy now, right? We all start from somewhere, and I think a lot of the times when people are, you know, had some success like I did as being an attorney, like that’s wildly successful go to start something brand new. It’s like you don’t wanna look like a failure.

You don’t wanna look like you don’t know what you’re doing. You don’t wanna be judged, you don’t wanna be criticized, especially by yourself. Your peers, your family members, members. For the longest time, my family’s like, you’re leaving long. Going to do what? Like they had no idea what I was doing. I mean, let’s face it, part of me didn’t either.

I had a vision. I had a calling and I knew something bigger than me was calling me to step up into a role I’d never been before. Now, every time we take messy action, we start. Figuring things out on our own, we start finding that we’re going to places that we didn’t even know were there. And then all of a sudden it unlocks like another level of you.

It unlocks this next level. You, this person that you didn’t even know was existing inside of you, uh, or the ideas were existing in you. This level of [00:07:00] this new level of consciousness, uh, wizardry practice, knowledge, wisdom gets unlocked. They do say that, you know, many mentors and spiritual teachers and um, I don’t know, throw in another name for somebody who knows a lot of shit, they will say like, you have all the answers within you, but it’s like what you do to stop the unlocking of those answers is what’s keeping you safe.

So a lot of the times people don’t go out and do messy action cuz they’re afraid of. They’re afraid of what could go wrong, and they sit in the What if this happens instead? Maybe it’s making an investment. Maybe it’s going out on a new business venture. Maybe it’s leaving your current job and really following your dreams.

Maybe like I did, you know, it was huge risk. Are you kidding me? Like I had a 250,000 plus education, just, that’s just law school. And then I heard a little calling in my head that said you were here for more. You have to go do something else. And you don’t know what it is yet, but you gotta follow it. . [00:08:00] Yeah.

I mean, insert the crazy emoji right there, you know, but I knew it was something and I just had to keep taking action every day and figuring out what was it that next best thing. I still feel like, what is that great, great thing coming for me? It’s still unfolding, but I’m still stepping into what I know and I believe in this moment because this is the action.

You know, just even starting this podcast, I’m going to be super, super truthful with you. I paid somebody money in 2019. We are sitting here and it’s 2020. at the end of it. So 2023 is starting tomorrow, basically like in three weeks. And had I started this podcast back in 2019, just not even knowing, not knowing the name, not knowing what it was about, just showing up and sharing what my gifts were.

Then homegirl would’ve been like, you know, probably the number one downloaded podcast already, but I. Waited. There was a part of my life that I wasn’t ready to expose, I suppose, or I had assigned some meaning at the time that it had to be so great or perfect, and I made it feel like it [00:09:00] was something, uh, Bigger than what it was.

You know, I was taking action every other area of my life. Uh, but then I put this one in the back burner, but I said, there’s no way 2022 was gonna end without me starting this podcast. Another year was not gonna come by me talking about it, I was gonna do something about it. So, you know, someone like me, that takes a lot of messy action.

You know? It, it was, uh, I decided that this was the time, this was it. And guess what? I’m having the time of my freaking life. I like can’t stop talking. And I hope you guys are enjoying this podcast. If you are, leave me a review, um, and, uh, gimme some feedback. Message me. Let me know if you are, but let me tell you.

Um, we put upper limits on ourselves and there’s a book called Upper Limits by, um, gay, uh, gotta find that. Is it called Upper Limits? Let me gotta find this book. I’ll find the book and I’ll let it, you know, I forget the name of it now. Um, but were we, we. Cap our success because we will think we have it all planned out.

But imagine if you [00:10:00] went and jumped all the way in. You might not know how far you’re gonna swim, how, or jump off a cliff, how far you’re gonna fly, or just go for it because you’re probably gonna be in such a limited state because you’re only gonna see so far as what you can see right now in. Who you are, who you’re being.

But when you start expanding beyond by doing things that really scare the shit outta you, you’re gonna actually open up doors, opportunities, experiences that you didn’t even know were there waiting for you because you’re playing it so freaking safe. Listen. We all like have some level of safety, but I gotta tell you something, the only way you’re gonna find out what you’re really made of is to go take that messy action.

Go figure it out. Listen, I started this business with like a negative bank account. I’m gonna lie with you some credit cards. Okay? I was starting my life all over again. I had put practicing law on the back burner because I was doing a lot of inner work and. I started making money, then I invested it back into myself and back into my company, and I did that over and over again.

Before I [00:11:00] admit my bank account, account got super fat. I had hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I still do, you know, I’m able to buy a GWA in cash. Like there’s so many things that have changed in my life. We go on five star vacations with my kids. My kids have so much, so many amazing experiences.

I can buy whatever I want, hire whoever I want, all because I was willing to start, you know, the people will always say, start before you’re. You’re never gonna be ready for that next level. You’re never gonna be ready for what’s coming. You’re never gonna know what’s available and open to you unless you just move.

You’ve gotta move, you gotta take the action. You gotta be willing to take the risks. And I know this message is gonna land on some of your ears. And you’ll be like, yeah, yeah, you’re gonna go take a, you know, do something tomorrow. I, I went to Tony Robbins event. He had 10,000 people there. That’s a whole story for another, um, um, episode because it was a really cool story of how I got there and, and whatnot.

But, you know, everybody gets hyped up when they go to these in-person events or they go to these motivational [00:12:00] events. They get so hyped up. They’re like, I’m gonna come home. I’m gonna crush it. I’m gonna do all these things. And maybe for a week they do that. And then they go back to their everyday life.

And it’s like, well, what did, are you gonna do the. That’s why I made a commitment to myself, even if it was the last final inning of the year. I was like, we are not going into another year not doing this. When you hold your word to yourself, I find that you find, I find that you start believing in yourself more.

When you do the say. When you do the thing you say you’re gonna do, you start believing in yourself. You start moving in a different energy. You start trusting your word, cuz you’re not like lying to yourself saying, yeah, I’m gonna go to the gym tomorrow. I’m gonna go, you know? Um, You know, I’m gonna go on that dating app.

I, you know, I’m going to, I’m gonna end this relationship, you know, I’m going to eat healthier. I, I’m going, I’m gonna quit drinking. I’m gonna, you know, I’m gonna stop smoking pot so much. I’m gonna read that book. I saw a post today in this like, [00:13:00] fitness group, and I, I don’t even know how I got it to be honest with you, but it, um, oh, I think one of the girls I knew from back in the day and her fiancé, her husband, made a post.

He’s like, what? What do you wanna change? Yourself moving through to the new year. And it was a fitness group and ironically enough, so many people are like, I wanna quit smoking. I wanna quit drinking. Which I thought was really ironic being a fitness group. But what do they wanna do more of and change? I wanna read, I wanna, you know, believe in myself more.

I wanna read was quite a few, quite a few people’s, um, answers. I wanna, you know, start this business I wanna do. . And, and in my mind I’m like, why don’t you do it yet? What, what? We’ll pick up the book. You can start tomorrow. You don’t need this grand, um, prep preparation to go get a book and start reading.

You could pick up a book right now and start reading. You could pick up a book and, and, and, and, um, and start self-improvement. You can go watch a video. You can, you know, listen to a podcast. You can, you know, do something that’s gonna move you in the direction of the dreams or what you wanna unfold.

Everybody always says to me, I [00:14:00] wanna make more money. Okay, so whatcha are you gonna do? Planning is great, but do not stay in a planned state. Planning does not, um, have execution. You have to move. You get an idea, you gotta take action on it. You get something that, that, that comes up and you’re like, Ooh, that would be really good.

Launch it. I, that’s how I kind of run my business. If I get an idea, I’m like, I’m gonna move on it. Thank God I have a team that’s so good for me because they’ll support, like when I get these crazy ideas, they’re like, all right, let’s do it. You have to be able to. In the energy when it comes, when that energy is passed, you’re not gonna wanna do that thing anymore.

Your hype ness is gonna go away. The more that you act in your hype ness and you get that like, oh yeah. You’re gonna keep wanting to do that because now you’re gonna train your nervous system, your mind and everything else to be like, Hmm, when that hits, now you get that hit, we’re gonna move. It’s like when you this, when you get turned on, you know you’re gonna wanna have a little sex, kind of the same thing.

Right? So kind of start implementing that. Start feeling into like, whoa, what, what excites me? Or what do [00:15:00] I know that I want to achieve and I haven’t done it yet? 2023 is gonna be the banger year. And if you’re hearing this at another year and it’s coming up, what is that next year gonna come and bring for you?

What didn’t you accomplish in this current year that you want to accomplish in this next year? And chances are some of you’re gonna be listening to this in the 2023. Cause I haven’t launched a podcast yet, but. You know, what is it that you want to do in this year that you haven’t done in the previous years?

Where have you broken your promise to yourself? Where are you going to take messy action? Cuz I tell you, the more messy action you you take, the more millions will come and the more money is gonna come and the more everything. Because right now you’re just sitting here doing nothing. What can you do tomorrow that’s gonna change the game for you forever?

And maybe it’s that commitment of not eating any more ice cream at. Maybe it’s going to the gym. Maybe it’s, you know, cultivating better relationships with your, your friends and your family. Maybe it’s saying nicer things to yourself. Maybe it’s waking up in the morning. Maybe it’s going to bed at night at a certain hour.

Maybe it’s waking up at a certain hour. Maybe it’s meditating. Maybe it’s journaling. What commitments [00:16:00] are you gonna make to yourself that you’re gonna say, yeah, I’m doing the thing that I said I was gonna do. What action are you not taking right now that could really be leading you in the direction, the way you wanna go?

Uh, You can tell I’m really hyped up about this. Right? I’m excited about this because this is the honest truth. Not everybody’s wired like this. You know, I had one mentor, he’s an awesome guy, Richard. Um, the conscious marketer. He would tell me, you’re a promoter. He’s like, you’re always gonna do the thing.

He’s like, not everybody’s a promoter. And I just didn’t wanna believe what he was saying at the time. Cause I’m like, anybody can do whatever they could. They, everybody can go out there and do the thing, but not everybody’s wired or wanting or willing or has that drive to go out there and do the thing.

You can’t sit and blame anybody else but yourself if you are not willing to go step up into your dreams and your vision. If you’re listening to this podcast, cuz there’s something about me that resonates and you see yourself [00:17:00] in me, or you see yourself in the quantum woman and you realize there’s something that you have not been really putting your whole energy into to go do.

Sit down and have that little come to Jesus moment for yourself. Write down all the things that you wanna do. I tell you, 2019, I started writing down all the things that I wanted to do and they’re all finally coming, coming together, and they’re, and they’re playing out in this year for me. . Sometimes it’s an overnight thing, sometimes it’s not.

Sometimes it takes a few years, but you can’t quit on it. You gotta take steps to get there, and sometimes you don’t know how to take that action. But listen, one foot forward, one foot forward, guess what? The answers and the, um, the, the, the, the, the. The path will open up for you, but you’ve got to move. You can’t stay where you are thinking everybody’s gonna come to you.

Right. That’s like somebody who’s looking to start dating. I mean, the only people that you’re probably gonna date if, you know, if you don’t leave your house and go meet people, or if you don’t get on dating apps is gonna be like the exterminator or people coming to your house last time at checked this.

[00:18:00] I mean, unless that’s what you want. You know, you gotta put yourself out there, you gotta take some action, whatever it is you’re looking for. Right. Okay. All right. I hope you enjoyed this podcast episode. If you did, tell a friend, invite them. Uh, if you enjoyed it, leave me a review. Um, go to my website, www.shaminataylor.com.

You can download my wealth meditation there. You can also, um, uh, sign up for the, um, what am I trying to say? My book is coming out unlocking the coin to a moment. You can get on the wait list or you can, you can pre-purchase it. Um, and we’ve got a lot of programs that you can join. Listen, uh, I think I have the Quantum CEO coming out.

If you wanted to start an online business, that’s for you. I, I really appreciate that you’ve taken your time to listen to me today, and I hope you got some value from this. And just remember, um, when we move, oh my gosh, this song to start playing my head when I move, you move just like that. When I move, you move just like that.

So let’s talk. I’m gonna [00:19:00] have a sign off when now move you move. Just like that. All right, bye for now.